CC1101 915MHz FCC Certified
CC1101 915MHz FCC Certified

CC1101 915MHz FCC Certified


Sub 1 GHz Multichannels Radio Transceiver

It is a low cost sub 1 GHz transceiver multchannels transceiver designed for low-consumption wireless applications. The hardware is based on Texas Instruments CC1101 component.

     datasheet.jpg                     Catalog.jpg             

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9,00 €

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10 10% 9,00 €
20 20% 36,00 €

Sub 1GHz Multichannels Radio Transceiver  

 It is a low cost sub 1GHz multichannels transceiver designed for low-consumption wireless applications. The hardware is based on Texas Instruments CC1101 component. Programmable from external microcontroller via SPI interface.
Working frequency programmable in the following band : 868MHz
Feature :
For more information and details, please refer to the CC1101 Texas Instruments datasheet.
- Wireless security systems - Home and building automation - Automatic Measure Reading - Industrial Control and Monitoring - Wireless Sensor Network Applications :
- Bidirectional multichannel Link - Low consumption technology - DIL Package .


Mechanical Dimensions : 15 x 18mm                                                                                                                    
Technical Characteristics MIN TYP MAX UNIT
Supply Voltage  1.8  3.0 3.60 Volt
 Current Consumption (RX mode/TX Mode)   18/30 6.8  mA
 Current Consumption Power down mode   0.2     µA
 Frequency     915    MHz
 RF Power Output 50ohm    +10    dBm
 RF Sensitivity (1.2 Kb/sec data rate)     -112   dBm
 Data Rate 1.2    500    Kbit/s
 Tolerance Receiver Frequency   ±1.5     KHz
 Frequency deviation    ±1.5   ±380 KHz
 Operating Temperature range -20   +70 °C


Pads  Name  Description
 1  SI  Serial configuraion interface SPI ----> Data Input
 2  SCLK  Serial configuration interface SPI ----> Clock Input
 3  S0  Serial configuration interface SPI -----> Data Output
 4  GD02  Digital Output configurable
 5  GD00  Digital Output configurable
 6  CSn  Serial configuration interface SPI  -----> Cgip Select
 7  VCC  Power Supply
 8  VCC  Power Supply
 9  GND  Ground
 10  GND  Ground
 11  NC  Not used
 12  NC  Not Used
Tipo di Modulazione
Tensione di Alimentazione
1.8 - 3.6 Volt
Dimensioni meccaniche
18 x 15mm
Potenza RF
60 Articoli
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