In stock Moduli RF 434/868MHZ RCRX3-315 4,50 € RCRX3-315 Ricevitore super eterodina 315MHz modulazione AM RCRX3-315 è un ricevitore super eterodina modulazione AM con sintetizzatore PLL ed oscillatore a quarzo. Modulazione ASK . Pin out standard. Versione basso costo. Aggiungi al carrello
In stock Moduli RF 434/868MHZ RCTX-434-L 4,50 € RCTX-434-L 433.92MHz Radio Transmitter module with crystal oscillator, ASK/OOK Modulation Aggiungi al carrello
In stock Moduli RF 434/868MHZ RCTX-868-L 7,00 € RCTX-868-L 868.30 MHz Radio Transmitter module with crystal oscillator, ASK/OOK Modulation Aggiungi al carrello
In stock Moduli RF 434/868MHZ RCBTX-434 5,00 € RCBTX-434 433.92MHz Radio Transmitter module with crystal oscillator, ASK/OOK Modulation Aggiungi al carrello
In stock Moduli RF 434/868MHZ RCQT4-434 5,00 € RCQT4-434 433.92MHz Radio Transmitter module with crystal oscillator, ASK/OOK Modulation Aggiungi al carrello
In stock Moduli RF 434/868MHZ RCQT4-868 7,00 € RCQT4-868 868.30 MHz Radio Transmitter module with crystal oscillator, ASK/OOK Modulation Aggiungi al carrello
In stock Moduli RF 434/868MHZ RC-TX2-434 4,50 € RC-TX2-434 433.92MHz Radio Transmitter module with crystal oscillator, ASK/OOK Modulation Aggiungi al carrello
In stock Moduli RF 434/868MHZ RC-TX1-434 4,50 € RC-TX1-434 433.92MHz Radio Transmitter module with crystal oscillator, ASK/OOK Modulation Aggiungi al carrello
In stock Moduli RF 434/868MHZ RC-TASK2-868 7,00 € RC-TASK2-868 868.30MHz Radio Transmitter module with crystal oscillator, ASK/OOK Modulation Power down mode is available. Aggiungi al carrello
In stock Moduli RF 434/868MHZ RC-TFSK3-434 8,00 € RC-TFSK3-434 433.92MHz Radio Transmitter module with crystal oscillator, FSK Modulation Power down mode is available. Aggiungi al carrello
Non disponibile Moduli RF 434/868MHZ RC-TFSK3-868 8,00 € RC-TFSK3-868 868MHz Radio Transmitter module with crystal oscillator, FSK Modulation Power down mode is available. View
In stock Moduli RF 434/868MHZ RC-RFSK1-868 12,00 € RC-RFSK1-868 868.35MHz FSK Superhet Receiver RC-RFSK1-868 is an FSK Radio Receiver Module with PLL Synthesizer and crystal oscillator. Single line package with power down mode and RSSI Output. Aggiungi al carrello