In stock Rain Sensor Rain Sensor high Sensibility €7.50 Sensore Pioggia capacitivo realizzato in film spesso Add to cart
In stock RF Modules 434/868MHZ RC-CC1101-SPI-868 €9.00 RC-CC1101-SPI-868 Sub 1 GHz Multichannels Radio Transceiver It is a low cost sub 1 GHz transceiver multchannels transceiver designed for low-consumption wireless applications. The hardware is based on Texas Instruments CC1101 component. Add to cart
In stock Rain Sensor Capacitive Rain Sensor 20pcs €7.00 Sensore Pioggia capacitivo realizzato in film spesso Add to cart
in stock RF Modules 434/868MHZ RC-RXASK-433 €6.00 RC-RXASK-433 is an AM Radio Receiver module with PLL synthesizer and crystal oscillator, single line package operating at 5Volt with power down mode. On request, it is possible to realize a receiver with a specific frequency in the following ranges: - from 433.00MHz to 435.00MHz with 0.01 MHz steps. - from 867.00MHz to 870.00MHz with 0.01MHz steps. It's... Add to cart
In stock IoT Modules Texas Instruments based RC-CC1312R-915 €12.00 Ultra Low Power sub 1GHz Multichannel Radio Transceiver The RC-CC1312R-915 module is based on Texas Instruments CC1312R1F3RGZ component. This device combines a flexible, very low power RF transceiver with a powerful 48 MHz ARM Cortex M4F CPU in a platform supporting multiple physical layers and RFstandard. This device is pin to pin compatible with the... Add to cart
In stock RF Modules 434/868MHZ RCQT4-434 €5.00 RCQT4-434 433.92MHz Radio Transmitter module with crystal oscillator, ASK/OOK Modulation Add to cart
In stock Wake Up Receiver RC-WuTRX-868 €15.00 RC-WuTRx-868 Ultra-Low Power Wake-Up Receivers module 868MHz Add to cart
In stock IoT Modules STMicroelectronics RC-S2LP-868-HA €9.00 RC-S2LP-868-HA module is based on STMicroelectronics S2-LP transceiver. This device is a high performance ultra low power RF transceiver designed for RF wireless application in the sub 1GHz band.The module is designed for maximum performance in a minimal space, with 4 programmable I/O pins.Programmable from external microcontroller via SPI interface.For... Add to cart
In stock RF Modules 434/868MHZ RC-TX1-434 €4.50 RC-TX1-434 433.92MHz Radio Transmitter module with crystal oscillator, ASK/OOK Modulation Add to cart
In stock RF Modules 434/868MHZ RCTX-868-L €7.00 RCTX-868-L 868.30 MHz Radio Transmitter module with crystal oscillator, ASK/OOK Modulation Add to cart
In stock RF Modules 434/868MHZ RCRX-434-L €4.50 RCRX-434-L 433.92MHz AM Superhet Receiver RCRX-434-L is an AM superhet data receiver with PLL sinthesizer and crystal oscillator. ASK/OOK modulation. Standard European pin out . SMD Mounting . Miniaturized version. 3 Volt Add to cart